
Friday, October 2, 2015

I Have Too Many Hobbies

It's true. Way too many hobbies. I knit, sew, crochet, run, read, write, play video games and sometimes cross stitch. And there isn't enough time to devote the amount of attention I would like to each of them. So I go in phases, sometimes week by week, sometimes month by month. But in a perfect world I wouldn't need to go to work every day and I could just rotate hobbies all day long...

Anyway, here are some things I've been working on.

tiny rainbow patchwork wedge bag

A teeny tiny version of the wedge bags I make for my Etsy store! Seriously adorable. I'm probably going to list them for sale soon :) I love tiny things!

Hermione's every day socks cast on

I cast on a sock! They will be Hermione's Everyday Socks when they're finished. I forgot how much I enjoy sock knitting, so this one has been fun.

rainbow patchwork knitting bags

A new bag for my Etsy shop- this one for needles and such. And a larger size wedge bag in black. I would also like to make a needle roll, but I need to design it first. I'll get to it eventually.

tin can knits wheat scarf

I've been pretty steadily knitting this scarf. BUT THEN TRAGEDY. I can't for the life of me find the second ball of this yarn! It has disappeared completely. I know I bought two, though, because I had a specific pattern in mind when I bought it and it required two balls of yarn! So. I knit half of this and it is now set aside. I'm hoping time away from it will somehow magically make the other ball appear...


  1. I'm right there with you! I have far too many hobbies that take up lots of time, space for supplies, and money. I'm focused on quilting right now, and I believe that and reading will always big first on my list, but there are always other things waiting in the wings when I need a break from those. I'm trying to cut down on new purchases, but there are so many great new products and ideas out there that it is tough. Best wishes and thanks for the blog.

  2. Maybe we should start a "Hobby Anonymous" club...with a 12 step program to 'cure' us....nope, not willing to give any of them up!

  3. I love all your projects. Keep up all those hobbies, you're making beautiful things!

  4. Having a hobby gives you a sense of purpose. It ensures you have something to live for, look forward to and get excited by.drone, best drones

  5. I've been pretty steadily knitting this scarf. BUT THEN TRAGEDY. I can't for the life of me find the second ball of this yarn! It has disappeared completely. I know I bought two, though, because I had a specific pattern in mind when I bought it and it required two balls of yarn! So. I knit half of this and it is now set aside. I'm hoping time away from it will somehow magically make the other ball appear... Cricut blue butterfly tattoo design USA


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