
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

WiP for the Holiday

Heeeeey there. Long time no see, huh? Yeah. School and house hunting have been totally wiping me out. I've been lucky to feel like I have enough energy at the end of the day to get some sewing in. But the end is in sight! Just one more paper, 2 tests, and a group presentation and I will be back to the blissful homework-free lifestyle. At least until next semester when I plan on taking another Spanish class :)

But things have been happening...

scrumptious quilt plan

For example, I decided what to do with my Scrumptious layer cake :D I'm really excited about this one. I definitely need more white before I can finish, but totally have it all planned out!

scrumptious blocks

I even started a few blocks (these were for testing purposes but will definitely be included in the top!). Picture is pretty dark, sorry! There is no light at all here until after I go to work :/ And the sun is gone when I get back. Lame.

scrumptious charm squares

I've still got these waiting to be turned into blocks, too.

I haven't made much progress on the scrappy chevrons, but I'm having an Alternative Black Friday Craft Day (yes, it needed caps!) this Friday so I plan to work on that while sipping wine and giggling with my friends. It will be a good day. I also have all the bits for 2 more swoon blocks cut and ready to go on my sewing table... To be honest, my sewing table is quite a mess right now. But I don't want to clear it off because I'm still working on all the stuff on it! So here it is in all its messy glory. Because I'm nice and want to make you feel better about your sewing space ;)

honest sewing room

See? What a mess! Oh well. Creativity isn't tidy, is it?

One last thing! This weekend I'm going to be making some 15" Churn Dash blocks for the lovely Audrey of Hot Pink Quilts, who is making a quilt for the people in Washington, IL who were affected by the tornadoes. She lives in that area but was very fortunate not to have any serious damage to her home or her family. But so many others weren't so lucky! Do you have time to make a quick block to send off to her? If so, you can find the details here. And the original post is here. Thanks for considering it!

What are you working on for the long weekend?

Linking up to WiP Wednesday with Lee at Freshly Pieced!


  1. your quilt is going to be gorgeous especially with your own design and beautiful fabrics.

  2. Yum yum! That quilt will be super fab! And thanks for posting a blurb for me. That was super sweet!

  3. It's looking like a great design. It must be so nice to do some sewing especially knowing you'll have more time to enjoy it very soon! Thanks for visiting my blog.
    :) Karen

  4. Looks like a great pattern you've come up with to show off the prints!!


  5. Dang, an Alternative Black Friday Craft Day sounds amazing. I don't have any friends in Nashville yet though, so I may just spend it basting my Swoon 1 quilt... hmm hmm.

    I wish I could apparate over to you and hang out and oggle your quilts in person!


Thanks so much for leaving me a comment! They always brighten my day :) I do my best to respond to everyone unless there's a giveaway.